Advances in technology will soon send humans to Mars
IoT, 5G, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and more, one cannot possibly list all the new technologies that are emerging. The complexities of the technological world are amazing, but equally confusing and difficult to understand. However, researchers, engineers and technicians need to focus only on their parts of the job. Complex robots consist of small functional units that can be managed by individual professionals. They are guided by scientific texts and ideas. Although the techniques are complex, they will ultimately go back to simple origins in scientific texts.

Wikipedia defines technology as "Technology is the combination of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used to produce goods or services or achieve goals, such as scientific research". In a search, technology is defined as "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry." These definitions are broad and seem to encompass all the useful ways that humans can achieve something. In fact, technology itself is a broad term with many valid definitions. Both definitions are correct because they describe the facts. But they do not explain the meaning of terms like "technology," "application," "scientific knowledge," which are vague and can refer to anything in the universe.
Since we defined science in terms of text in the article "A New Definition of Science - A Textual Basis for Representing the Real World", technology should also be defined in terms of text due to its scientific nature. Science and technology are inextricably linked in the modern world.
1. Scientific text – heart of technology
We believe that text is the core of science, and since science and technology are of the same nature, text should also be the core of technology. Now that we do not rehash the textual nature of Science/Technology, interested readers may refer to our article "Language - The Heart of Science".
Science can represent everything, including human behavior. Not only natural phenomena appear and accumulate, but so do human activities. Methods, methods and details of acquisition are recorded in the text and then constructed as a representation. Through written representations, human activities are organized, categorized and built on currently known technologies.
Technical specifications
Often, technology is viewed in terms of its impact on society, such as its relationship to culture, its practical application, its economics, politics, and more. It is more of its performance than its essence. These are non-text-centered or non-text-centered. Linking features of technology to different aspects of society not only complicates the problem, leading to endless interactions, but also distracts people's intentions from the true nature of technology.
Faced with the complexity and variability of ubiquitous and ever-changing technologies, we must think deeply about the common characteristics of all technologies present in the text. The technology represented by the text has essential characteristics that are common to all technologies.
Technical documentation
Methods, skills, materials, processes, principles, etc. all need to be understood, learned, communicated and documented. User manuals, technical specifications are often what customers and engineers need most, whether during product shipment or during product development. Technical documentation also describes the product more accurately than it actually is. Although the operation is complex, operating conditions and individual differences are large, materials are plentiful, and personnel are changeable, documentation is relatively stable, simple, accurate, reliable, and descriptive.
Again, it must be emphasized that scientific texts operate on the mind. Technical documents should bear in mind that they are effective and not equivalent to technical writing.
2. Difference between science and technology
Need to find the difference between science and technology. Although they have a basic core, they differ in appearance and focus to explain aspects of the human world.
Science and technology have the same branches and knowledge. The main difference between science and technology is their goals and objectives. The purpose of science is to observe and explain, while the purpose of technology is to act and make changes. Their directions are opposite to each other. Science is more about observation, while technology is more about action. Depending on the purpose and use, the same text can be considered scientific or technical. For example, the law of motion is a science in itself, but when it is used to create
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